11 Jul 2014

Mid-year Book Freakout

Welcome to the first ever 'Mid-year Book Freakout' here at A Book So Fathomless! We've noticed a lot of people do posts and surveys at the end of the year and we thought it would be fun to do one in the middle of the year to have something to compare answers to at the end of year. Without further ado, here is the survey...

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2014.
C - Ignite me by Tahereh Mafi. Do I have to explain?
E - This is so hard. I absolutely hate myself for coming up with this question. It's a tie between Every Breath, These Broken Stars and Jane Eyre...I think.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2014.
E - Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas. Words cannot even begin to describe my feels for that book.

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.
C - Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken/Braken/Brakken?
E - The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings. I've been excited about this one for months, but I just haven't bought it yet!

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
C - The Retribution of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkins (DYING DYING DYING)
E - Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas. I NEED THIS, I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW.

5. Biggest disappointment.
C - City of Heavenly Fire by Cassie Clare just because I haven't even read it. It is a disappointment that the series was published. Was that too harsh? I just really don't like that series anymore haha. No hard feelings Cassie Clare!
E - City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. I say this was a disappointment, but really, I had no hopes for this or Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge- I really, really disliked this book.

6. Biggest surprise.
C - Now if i told you that wouldn't be a surprise, wouldn't it?
E - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. You may know that I adore this book, but going into it I really wasn't sure I'd like it.

7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)
C - Umm? Rick Yancey? Not anyone really.
E - Uh...I don't know! Maybe Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner because THESE BROKEN STARS.

8. Newest fictional crush.
C - Evan from the Fifth Wave. I actually am not that connected to him but he has grown on me.
E - James Mycroft from Every Breath by Ellie Marney. I love him waaaaaaaay more than I should.

9. Newest favourite character.
C - Cassie from the Fifth Wave! She is probably one of my favourite YA female leads. Right next to Rose Hathaway.
E - Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass. Do I even need to explain this?

10. Book that made you cry.
C - No book has made me cry this year but the award for the waterfall book goes to Allegiant by Veronica Roth
E - I've been avoiding sob-worthy books so far this year, but I suppose I teared up in The Book Thief a bit. (I cried way more in the movie)

11. Book that made you happy.
C - The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey (DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LAUGHED?)
E - Empower by Jessica Shirvington. It was just such a brilliant ending to an amazing series!

12. Favourite book to film adaptation you saw this year. 
C - Divergent- I've grown to hate the sequels of this series but that movie wasn't bad at all!
E - This is a hard one for me. It's a tie between The Book Thief and The Fault in Our Stars. I adored both of them so, so much.

13. Favourite review you've written this year.
C - Rebel and Reboot Joint review!
E - Every Breath, I think.

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
C - Rebel and Reboot by Amy Tintera (They actually look so fabulous i might cry.)
E - Another tie! This time between Ignite Me and Prisoner of Night and Fog. I bought both of these books in hardback, which is something I never do so I adore them very much.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
C - The Retribution of Mara Dyer Again. I need this book. I need it.
E - SO MANY. I definitely want to get to the Lord of the Rings, some more classics, some Neil Gaiman and many, many others.

Now's your chance to answer the questions and add your post to the linky below. We hope you all liked this post and we'll see you next time!


  1. Congratulations on your 2nd blogoversary you lovely girls! Hugs all around! You've created a wonderful survery, I loved reading all of your answers! You can expect to see my linky up tomorrow! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Ebony! You've been a wonderful new friend to us this year *tackle hugs* Thanks for linking up as well :)

      x Ely

  2. Oooo I love these survey thingamajigs :D

    Ignite Me was such a swoonfest.

    I am reading The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and your excitement over Retribution is making me SO EXCITED. I'm about half way through an loving it (LOVING NOAH).

    I still haven't read City of Heavenly Fire, even though I pre-ordered it. D'oh! But now I am kinda scared since you were both disappointed D:

    Crown of Midnight is one of the best sequels I have read this year, as well and I NEED Heir of Fire like ASAP.

    The Book Thief and The Fault in Our Stars were absolutely beautiful movie adaptations that had me curled up and crying - not even joking.

    Thanks for creating this survey, lovelies - it was so much fun to do it :D


      (I'm sorry, your comments always make me happy) Ignite Me was beautiful, it really was.

      I admit, I haven't read Evolution of MD yet but I know I'm going to NEED Retribution asap.

      I think I was mostly disappointed because I fell out of love with the series. All in all, it was a nice ending.

      HEIR OF FIRE. GIVE ME HEIR OF FIRE. *ugly sobbbing*

      Considering you aren't much of a crier, that actually speaks volumes for those movies I think :P

      Thank you for participating. You're lovely, as always Mrs Merlin.

      x Ely

  3. Yaaay! They're favourites for good reasons too, in my opinion! Thanks so much for linking up :)

    x Ely

  4. Fun Survey and great idea. I haven't read any of the books you mentioned but I did do the survey and left a link.

  5. Just linked my mid-year book freakout post... great little survey! :)

  6. This is such a great idea! I haven't read a lot of the books you guys mentioned but THE RETRIBUTION. YES. I haven't even gotten to the Evolution but I'm so excited for them. YES. YES. YES. Anyway, really fun survey and I linked up! My post isn't up yet since it's scheduled for two weeks from now but I thought it was okay to come by earlier and link it up in case I forget? But yeah, it was really fun. I had a blast answering these questions. And your graphic is so cute!!

  7. This is such a great idea! I enjoyed it immensely!

    P.S. I so need to read Unravel Me and Ignite Me. I #FAIL

  8. Great survey. I participated too.
    I love Jane Eyre too. It took me a while to get into it, but it was amazing.
    I didn't much like These Broken Stars though.
    My friends have been telling me to read Mara Dyer, but I've been waiting for the third book to release before starting the series.

  9. This is an amazing survey! And so, even if the half-year has kind of passed, I couldn't not do it and link up. Great idea, Ely and Chami :)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  10. I love this idea so I added the link to my survey!

  11. Love this survey! :) I have yet to start the Shatter Me series, but I have the first two and plan to start soon. I loved Crown of Midnight, I have fallen in love with the whole Throne of Glass series, it's amazing. I want to read The Murder Complex, I think that one looks great.

    YAY! So happy to find another person who didn't like Cruel Beauty!

    I NEED to read Every Breath, keep seeing and hearing such amazing things about that book.

    Happy Blogoversary! :)

  12. We had a lot of fun participating in this survey! Jane Eyre is a wonderful book, and even we're desperately waiting for Retribution to come out!
    Love the picture for this post.
