1 Dec 2014

WRAP UP: November 2014

In November I managed to read six books. Usually, I’d be pretty disappointed with myself but I’ve had a really tough month and most of the time I just wasn’t feeling up to reading (or anything else for that matter). Anyway, these are the six books I read.

I wrote reviews for three of them, which I'm pretty proud of! Click here to see my reviews of  Not That Kind of Girl, Saving Francesca and The Infinite Sea.

This month was obviously NaNoWriMo which I participated in. I’m going to do a whole separate post on my novel and my experiences this month, but I’ll give you a little spoiler now…I WON! You’ll have to wait for that post to hear anything else.

Finally, some other things that happened in November. I went on a little impromptu road trip with one of my best friends that was A LOT of fun (and involved far too much cookie dough), and I met up with the lovely Ebony for dinner and *drum roll* an Amie Kaufman/Jay Kristoff signing. The signing was great and Amie is really lovely but…Ebony and I met ELLIE MARNEY. I cannot even begin to describe how excited Ebony and I were when we saw her there, we got our books signed (yes, we took them with us) and everything!

Anyway, that was November! Thank you all for reading. I hope you had great Novembers :)