I’ve been to several book events in my time: Cassandra Clare, Maggie Stevater,
John Marsden, Alyson Noel, Ruby Circle Launch party, Every Move launch and many
others. With going to these events you tend to pick up a few things that you
need for the next time you go to a book event again.
your camera: Trust me, you are seriously going to regret it if you leave your
camera at home! Book events are great for extra blog content and no one likes
chunks and chunks of words without a picture or two. If you are lucky, you
might even have the opportunity to take a picture with an author! Trust me, you
don’t want to be camera-less in those situations. I’ve had nightmares where I
meet celebrities without having anything to document it with. You can vlog too!
a snack: You never know if there is going to be food there or how long you will
be there for. You could be like Ely and I who only went to the Ruby Circle
launch for the food that wasn’t present (we hadn’t read the book but we also
wanted to support Richelle lovely Mead). I recommend a non-messy food so it
doesn’t get all over your books in your bag. For example, a muesli bar or a
small child (Only for cannibals).
money: It’s a bookstore, you need money to buy books. Or if your like Ely on a
book buying ban, don’t bring money, because YOU WILL buy books and YOU MAY
regret it.
comfortable shoes (Ely’s tip): You never know, there might not be seats and you
might have to stand up for the whole time. If you do, come prepared.
Just trust me. If you are not thirsty for some books, you will be thirsty for
some water.
a comfortable bag: Don’t be that awkward person (me) who brings a bag that is
the most uncomfortable thing ever. Bring a big bag for books like a tote (do
you see a trend here?) but not a huge handbag with twenty different pockets and
awkward handles so that you will most likely create red welts when you hang it
on your shoulder. Just something easy on the shoulders and something that is
Bring the books that you are going to get signed if it is an author event(Or just
have a random book to read if you are waiting in a line, because you will most likely
be waiting in a line at least one point at the event). Sometimes, there are
limitations on how many books you can get signed. For example, I went Cassandra
Clare book event and we were only allowed to get three books signed. Most of
the time, it is three books.I would bring at least two. And also, sometimes
they would like you to buy a book to support the book store so make sure you
get there relatively early so your not waiting in too many lines.
finally, this is not really an object, but dress up to the type of book event.
Seriously, don’t be afraid to dress up as a Vampire/werewolf or alien because
most likely, there will be costume competition, and there will be prizes, and
who doesn’t like free merchandise?