As you may have guessed, I love books a whole lot. I especially love taking photos of books, so today I thought I'd include some random photos I've taken in the last few months. I also run a Tumblr on which I can reblog pretty things related to books, which you can find

This was a TBR pile I had a few months back, it's kinda sad to say that there are still a bunch of books there that I have still not read. From bottom to top, the books are: Pure, The Winter Palace, Zoe Letting Go, Scarlett Fever, Paper Towns, The Darkest Minds, The Poison Throne, Eragon, The White Queen, The Princess Bride, Northern Lights, Game of Thrones, Strange Angels, Warm Bodies, The Book Thief, Lola and the Boy Next Door, Wentworth Hall, My Soul to Save, Pennies for Hitler, The Elite, The Gift, Duncton Wood and The Pale Horse.
The ever-lovely
Eva Pohler spoils Chami and I so much more than we could ever deserve. This is our latest gift, a paperback copy of her new YA release 'The Purgatorium'. Our review is coming up shortly.

These next two pictures are off all the books I owned at the time, I think there's about a total of 300 and something books in these piles. This photo was taken a few days after the New Year, so I'm sort of embarrassed to note that I have since accumulated probably at least another 50 books. I mean, it's awesome to have that many books, but it also shows you how much of a problem I really have when it comes to buying books.
This photo was taken on the same day as the above ones, this was after I'd finally gotten my books back into my shelves. This, however, is nowhere near all of them. In fact, I filled up the bottom shelf with extra books that day and since then, I've now completely covered all of the shelves again. But that still isn't all of my books, I have five more bookshelves around the house that hold some of my books. I wish it still looked this clean, but it honestly doesn't and I think this cleanness and order didn't even last a day.Yeah, I've got a serious problem guys.
So I hope you guys enjoyed these photos, I probably won't do this very often here but remember to check out my tumblr if you're interested.