1. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
I read the first two books in this series- The Magican's Nephew and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, this month and now I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I read the first two and a half books when I was a child and it's been good to see what I remember from the first two, but it'll be interesting to see how the next books go for me.
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2. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
I've wanted to read this book for about three years or so now, and I've successfully made it about 150 or so pages in before I had to return it to the library. But now, I own a copy for myself and I am determined to read the entire book no matter how long it may take me.
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3. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
I feel like this is one of those books that almost everyone on the planet has read but me. I've been meaning to get to this one for ages, but it's not an easy book to find here. I've heard so many good things about this book, and I think it sounds absolutely amazing. I can't wait to read it for myself in 2014...hopefully.
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4. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
This is another one of those books that I feel like everyone has read but me. The sad thing is, I actually own this book and I have for a while but I just haven't got to it yet. I've read two of Patrick Ness' other books- A Monster Calls and More Than This, and I seriously adored both of them. So I really don't know why I haven't even started this one yet. I think it's going to have to be the first on my list for 2014.
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5. North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
Recently, I've been hearing a lot about classics, and this book in particular. I've owned this one for almost a year now (I received it for Christmas last year) and I haven't picked it up at all. I have no idea why this is, because it is something that I definitely think I'd be into. I'd also be really interested to see the BBC miniseries, because I've heard that is to die for! I'm pretty sure that if I actually picked this book up that I would instantly love it.
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This is another classic that has been on my radar for quite some time now. One of my friends recommended this to me a while ago, and because I fully trust that friend, I added it to my TBR immediately. And then, as the good reader I am, I've left it ever since. I've even picked this book up from the library several times, but never actually started it. I think I'm going to have to borrow it again and actually read it this time!
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7. The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray
This is the third and final book in the Gemma Doyle Trilogy. I've been wanting to read this one since I finished the second back in February of this year, but it's 819 pages has kind of intimidated me just a little. This is definitely one of my favourite series and I've just adored Libba Bray and her writing lately. I hope that I can get to this one in 2014- I have a feeling that those 819 pages will feel like nothing once I get started.
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8. Legend by Marie Lu
Yes, I know, I know. I should have gotten to this book a long, long time ago but I haven't. I'm not sure why, I do actually own this book and I keep telling myself it'll be the next book I read but it just never is. Chami absolutely loves this series, as does like every other human being, so I do really need to get to it as soon as I can. Definitely going on my TBR list for January, and I will actually read it this time!
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9. Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley is one of my all-time favourite authors despite the fact I've only ever read 'Brave New World' by him (though several times). In 2014, I'd really like to change that. Crome Yellow was his debut novel, and this one has been described as sort of like a Great Gatsby for the United Kingdom. I'm interested to see how Huxley writes this, especially as it is in such a different genre than Brave New World.
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10. The Parasites by Daphne Du Maurier
Like Huxley, Daphne Du Maurier is one of my favourite authors. So far, I've read two of her books- Rebecca and My Cousin Rachel (just thinking about those books makes me more desperate to read this one), but in 2014 I'd like to expand that list. I'm not bothered which book I read next, but The Parasites is currently the only one that I own so I figured it would be a nice place to start. I know absolutely nothing about this book, so we'll see how that goes. Definitely think it's going to be towards the top of my TBR pile!
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11. The Maze Runner by James Dashner
This is another example of a book where I am one of the last people to read it. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get to this- I also own this book and have for a few months now. I've even started reading it but I didn't get very far. I've heard such good things about this book and the entire series that I know I'm just going to have to get to it as soon as I can. Especially with the movie being released next year, and it starring one of my favourite actresses- Kaya Scodelario. Definitely excited for this!
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Here is yet another example of books I own but haven't read yet. This book is right up my alley- I adore anything written about World War Two, so again I have no idea why I haven't devoured this book yet. On top of that, I've heard so so many good reviews for this book and have had it recommended to me by several people. I'm also really hoping to read Elizabeth Wein's other book- 'Rose Under Fire', which is another WWII one. I know I'll love both of them, it's just a matter of forcing myself to pick them up over another book.
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13. The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
I hadn't even realised how much I wanted to read this book before I saw a copy of it in my local bookstore. I've never actually seen the movie or the stage production, but I'd really like to read the book before I watch either of those. I honestly know nothing about the story except for the very, very basic premise. I think 2014 is definitely going to have to be the year that I finally read the book and watch the movie.
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Yes, I am one of those people who is incredibly obsessed with The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska, but I have yet to read Paper Towns or An Abundance of Katherine's. I've already starting reading this one before, and I got about 50 or so pages in so this is going to be the one I read first. I've heard mixed reviews about this one, but I know I have to read it for myself so 2014 is going to be the year for that! Admittedly, it's not going to the highest book on my list but hopefully I'll still get to it.
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And so those are the Top 14 books I want to read in 2014. I chose seven classics and seven YA books so that I had a little bit of a mixture of books. At the moment, I'm planning on doing an update halfway through the year and another at the end of 2014 to update you guys on how I went. Wish me luck!!
I need to read the Legend Trilogy, as well! When the last book came out, the hype was SO huge and I was really mad I hadn't even started the trilogy! Really need to get to it in 2014!