Title: Northern Lights (His Dark
Materials #1)
Author: Philip Pullman
Date: October 3rd 1998
Publisher: Scholastic Point
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4/5
Blurb: When Lyra's friend Roger disappears, she and her dæmon, Pantalaimon, determine to find him.
The ensuing quest leads them to the bleak splendour of the North, where armoured bears rule the ice and witch-queens fly through the frozen skies - and where a team of scientists is conducting experiments too horrible to be spoken about.
Lyra overcomes these strange terrors, only to find something yet more perilous waiting for her - something with consequences which may even reach beyond the Northern Lights...
Blurb: When Lyra's friend Roger disappears, she and her dæmon, Pantalaimon, determine to find him.
The ensuing quest leads them to the bleak splendour of the North, where armoured bears rule the ice and witch-queens fly through the frozen skies - and where a team of scientists is conducting experiments too horrible to be spoken about.
Lyra overcomes these strange terrors, only to find something yet more perilous waiting for her - something with consequences which may even reach beyond the Northern Lights...
Review: For me, Northern Lights (or The
Golden Compass as some of you may not it as) was one of those childhood books
that I never really got around to reading. To be honest, I’d never really heard
of it before seeing parts of the 2007 film at a friend’s house. For many years
afterwards I never really thought of the book or film but upon finding a copy
in a second-hand bookstore for about $4, I thought it was probably time that I
got around to reading it.
Once again, I’m going to break this
review into several parts. And as usual, I’m going to start with characters. I
love Lyra. I was worried that I might have found her a bit annoying, but that
wasn’t the case at all. I thought she was written really well- she was childish
when she needed to be, mature when the situation called for it and brave the
whole way through. I adored Pantalaimon, her dæmon- I loved how he could change
form depending on the situation and how his form could reflect Lyra’s emotions.
I totally wish that I could have my own dæmon! I enjoyed the smaller characters
as well- I loved both Lord Asriel and Mrs Coutler, for different reasons of
course (the ending had me feeling a little different, I admit). Iorek Byrnison was probably one of my
absolute favourites- he was just so awesome!
world was just brilliant. I loved the dæmons, the
bears, the witches- they all were created so well and just fit in together
amazingly. I don’t say this about books very often, but I almost wish that I
could live in Lyra’s world, even just for a bit. (Chami, I know you are sitting
there like ‘WHAT ABOUT SHATTER ME?’) But in all honesty, I just think that the
world is different (but still close enough to ours) and so interesting that it
would be wonderful to explore.
Now, onto the plot. I think a lot
of the plot really revolved around the world-building- not that either element
was more important than the other but in the sense that they related to each
other. For examples, the introduction of the bears allowed for their part of
the world to be built up. I have to say, I really loved how this was done. We
got to see the world, the characters and the story all develop at once. I think
one of the only things I didn’t like was the fact there wasn’t really much
relationship between what the blurb said and what actually happened in the
book- I was expecting a little bit more about Roger but I found that whole
scenario just became part of the bigger picture, which is reasonable of course
in the story, but I thought Lyra might have dwelled on the fact her friend was
missing more than she did.
I’m completely 100% excited for the
second and third books, which I’ve recently purchased, but I’m also looking
forward to reading some more work of Philip Pullman’s which I already own. I’m
also looking forward to the chance to be able to watch the film in full and
then hopefully write up a book to movie comparison post, so look out for that
if you’re interested.